Friday, November 02, 2007


Is the relationship gonna end?
Why does it feel more and more like that everyday?
Is she too demanding,
Or am I not understanding?
It just feels that our thinking are so un-alike that it feels that it will not work out in the end?
Is breaking up the solution?
Am I avoiding the unavoidable because of lazy to get out of the comfort zone,
Or am I truly be gutted if breaking up became a reality?

The moment I finally began to enjoy my involvement in gakkai,
she started to say things like she sometimes wish that I'm not so involved...
She is no longer supportive...
She said that she started to have thoughts that we may not end up as happily ever after.
Love or gakkai?
Must I really chose?

Arguement became more frequent...
Patient wearing thinner and thinner...
How long more before I really crack?
Can I not crack?
Why am I always giving in?
Or is she giving in all the time too,
But I'm just too blind to realise?

posted by Nick @ 11:27 AM